Sunday, November 13, 2011

Art Gallery Visit 2

Step 1: The exhibit
Questions about the exhibit:
1. What is the title of the exhibit?
            -I chose to focus on the Alexander Calder Exhibit.
2. What is the theme of the exhibition?
            - The theme of both of these exhibits was symmetric and contemporary art.

Step 2: The Gallery
Questions about the physical space:1. What type of lighting is used?
            -The type of lighting was different throughout the whole art gallery. In this particular exhibit the lighting came from above and each piece of art had a light shining down on it.
2. What colors are used on the walls?
            -The color on the wall was a basic white but each piece of art was in a tan frame.  
3. What materials are used in the interior architecture of the space?
            -There is no major architecture used throughout this exhibit. It focuses mainly on the paintings      hanging on the wall with a few little attractions in the middle.
4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?
            -The movement was very symmetric and kept the viewer moving from one piece to the next.
Step 3: The Artwork
 Questions about the artwork:1. How are the artworks organized?
            -The artworks are organized by dates. They go in order from oldest to most            recent and hung side by side.
2. How are the artworks similar?
            -The artworks are similar because they all use black, white, and red as the main      color with the primary colors used in between. Each of the paintings are also all      symmetrical
3. How are the artworks different?
            -The artworks are different in size and the colors all vary.
4. How are the artworks framed?
            -The artworks are
5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?
            -The artworks all have a separate plaque located to the left of the image that has    all of the information about the specific pieces of work.
6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?
            -Each piece of artwork is located side by side with about 2 feet in between each.
Artist:  Alexander Calder
Title of work:  Untitle
Media: Oil on canvas
Date: 1947
Size: n/a

1. Be receptive – This image is very symmetric with many symbols. It also only uses the three primary colors, plus black and white. This piece is also very contemporary.

2. Description – This image has a design that runs across the bottom that starts with the color blue at the bottom, then black, then red, then yellow, then red, and then orange again. There is also a large block of red at the top that have what appears to be a white seashell on the left and two circles on the right. The two circles on the right are light colors and one is dark colors.

3. Formal analysis – This art piece is very symmetric and uses the three primary colors. It gives great examples of pattern and lines. It also gives a few examples of shapes and symbols. Texture is also exemplified in this picture with the white sea shell.

4.  Bracketing – This piece also reminds me of a beach. It appears to have the water at the bottom with it running into the sand. It then shows a sea shell and two circles, one would be the sun and one the moon.  

5.  Interpretation - I feel as if the artist was trying to show the stage between the sun setting and the moon rising. It appears as if the water is calm, the beach is quite, the sun is dimming, and the moon is rising. Each of these appear as dusk sets and the night hits.

Artist:  Alexander Calder
Title of work:  United from the portfolio “Magie Eolienne
Media: Lithograph
Date: 1972
Size: n/a
1.   Be receptive –This picture is very symmetric and only uses black and white with the primary color red as the accent color. This is also very contemporary.

2.   Description – I see 12 circular objects that all have a spiral middle. They appear to have black and red lines coming out from the bottom of them. The black and red lines are cris-crossing and there is also a red design at the bottom.  

3.   Formal analysis – This piece of art has many principles and elements. It has a pattern throughout the whole picture and also uses values of black and white. It has many examples of lines and also is symmetric.

4.  Bracketing – This piece reminds me a lot of flowers in a field. It appears as if the circular objects have a pattern that resembles a rose. It also has black and red stems and appears to be in a field with the designs at the bottom.  

5.  Interpretation – I feel as if the artists was trying to give the viewer a sense of relaxation. The image appears to be very welcoming and has that warm feeling of relaxation and calmness. The flowers give it the welcoming feeling and the design at the bottom gives it the calmness.

Artist:  Alexander Calder
Title of work:  Balloons
Media: Lithograph
Date: 1973
Size: n/a

1. Be receptive – This piece of art is very symmetric and focuses on the three primary colors plus black and white. This piece is also contemporary.

2. Description – I see 8 circles, five are red and the rest are either blue, yellow, or black. There also are blue lines at the bottom of the image and also lines coming out of each circle.

3. Formal analysis – This image is very symmetric. It also uses the three primary colors and gives great examples of lines. Texture is also exemplified in this piece with the circular pattern in each of the circles.

4.  Bracketing – The objects in this piece remind me of balloons and a river at the bottom. Also, it appears as if the yellow circle is the sun.

5.  Interpretation – I feel as if the artist was trying to depict the end of a party that occurred on the beach. The yellow sun seems to be setting, the water is calming, and the balloons have been let go.

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