Saturday, November 12, 2011

Video Blog - Week 11

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.

Maltese and Picasso:
-I was really interested in learning more about Picasso because I find him to be extremely talented and his work is just phenomenal
Dance at the Moulin de la Galette:
-I find the dance side of art to be very interesting and was really interested to see how these would connect. The video was a bit different than what expected.
Dada and Surrealism:
-I do not know much about the Dada movement and I wanted to learn more.
-Expressionism is very interesting to me so I knew I would love this video, which I did!

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Maltese and Picasso:
-The main objective is to explain the relationship between Matisse and Picasso
-Martiss is the serene, slef indulgent father figure
-Picasso is the adolescent
-The two individuals worked together for a very long period of time
-Explains and gives examples of many photos and paintings of their beginning years
-It goes into a bit of detail about their children and other followers but this is when the film began to jump from topic to topic and I had trouble following along with each individual
Dance at the Moulin de la Galette:
-Starts in the 1870’s
-Focuses on the life of Renoir
-Renoir was very romantic but was never very generous
-Shows how poverty affected his life
-Shows many examples of his art work and explains how it relates to impressionism
-Created the dance hall of Toulous – Lautrec
-His art sold for millions in auctions

Dada and Surrealism:
-This film was very confusing and hard to follow. I am not sure if it was due to not knowing much background knowledge or if I just was not following correctly
-Main purpose is to explain the Dada movement
- Dada movement was created after WWI
-Based off of surrealism
-Connects to different states of minds
-Focus is on the unconscious side
-Shows many pieces of art from this time

-Explains a lot of general and specific characteristics of expressionism
- Focuses on color and emotion
-Similar to the Fauvism
-Introduces Neo expressionism and explains the development
- Shows many pieces of art from this period and introduces a lot of very talented artist
- Shows the museums that this art is in

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
- They videos related to the book because I felt as if they almost tied everything we have in this chapter together. They gave examples of each that furthered our understanding but also added new information to teach us something new. They discuss major artist that the book uses frequently and also many of the same terms.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
- I really enjoyed all of the films. I found them to be full of extremely interesting information but at the same time I felt as if it was almost too much given at one time. That add depth to the understanding of the reading and art concepts because they tie everything we have learned so far all together and give multiple examples of each. Also, they explain everything in a different perspective so it is easy to fully understand everything.

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