Friday, October 28, 2011

Video Blog

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.

The Drawings of Michelangelo: I chose this one because I have never had the opportunity to view Michelangelo’s work from the beginning to the master and I thought it would be very interesting
Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance: I chose this one because I find da Vinci to be a very neat individual and so I knew I would enjoy this video.
The Power of Art: Caravaggio: I chose this one because Caravaggio sounded like and interesting painter and I wanted to learn more about him.
The Night Watch (Rembrandt): I chose this one because I was not interested in any of the other videos and thought this would be a fun and different one to watch.

2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The Drawings of Michelangelo:
-British Museum displays over 90 drawings by Michelangelo
-Reviewed the most famous and inspiring steps that went into all of the famous art work from over 500 years ago
-View brief sketches and both full work to get the total view
-Show hesitations and changes but drawing bring us closer to the master
-Allows people to view his beginning steps of creating an art work (done in pencil and charcoal) and then comparing them to the actual painting or sculpture
-These can also be seen at the Ashmolean Museum
-Views the detail and time that had to of gone into many of Michelangelo’s pieces but specifically David, the Chapel ceiling, The last Judgment, and St. Peter’s Basilica

Leonardo da Vinci: The Mind of the Renaissance:
-How da Vinci was the mind of the renaissance
-Born at three in the morning on the 15th of April
-Natural Son
-Leonardo demonstrated gifts right from infancy with intelligence and interest in nature
-left handed and uses mirror writing
-He Observed faces, hand gestures, and motions of the sole
-Moved from Tuscany  to Florence
- He was put in Andre Del Verrocchio painting/sculpture studio when he moved to Florence)
-He become ideal man for his teacher and master
-He based everything on first becoming a master of perspective, and then acquires knowledge on proportions of man and other animals, become good architect too, do not distain to draw from life even if you have no experience
-First to make actual landscape and conveys density and transparency
-at the age of 20 he was accepted into the painted guide
-He studied sculptor, architect, engineer, anatomy, physiology, architecture, hydrodynamics,  and aeronautics
-Audience was given the opportunity of viewing his work, his studies, and his steps
-Was not always happy but would not waste his life
-Died in Cloux

The Power of Art: Caravaggio:
-Murdered someone and there was a price on his head so he tried to paint his way out of trouble
-Painted David with head of Goliath hoping he could be spared or save himself in real life
-He was very involved with violence and focused on that
-Discuss the catholic religion and how paintings effect a church
-When he was 19 his mother died and he went to Rome to establish his talent
-Explored the artist in both very involved paintings that he did to make a point but also ones that were done before he was discovered
- Closely analyze David with the Head of Goliath painting to try and analyze why he chose the people he chose and why he put them in that order
-View The Calling of Saint Matthew, The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew, The Beheading of John the Baptist, and The Death of the Virgin Mary

The Night Watch (Rembrandt):
I had trouble understanding and connecting with this video but here are a few of the main points:
- Night watch was done in 1642 and shows a group of Amsterdam civic guardsmen’s and led by captain and left tenant
-for Dutch people it is an object of honors
-There are parts missing because it has been destroyed and shouldn’t be called the night watch but over a million people come to visit it
-Seems military but then there is a little girl intertwined also
- It has become famous because it tells the story of Musketeers and how they dressed up on occasion but there were no real intentions on fights, it was all just for fun
-It came about as a group portrait to hang on the wall at meeting places
-He focused on tradition but also changes it to his own views
-The picture has been damaged by many things and people over the years
-Rembrandt focuses a lot on drama of history
-represents drama with the techniques of light, perspective, and values
-Also view and go into a little bit of detail of The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Tulp

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
-They videos related to the book because I felt as it they almost tied everything we have learned so far all together. They gave examples of each that furthered our understanding but also added new information to teach us something new. They discuss major artist that the book uses frequently and also many of the same terms.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
- I really enjoyed all of the films. I found them to be full of extremely interesting information but at the same time I felt as if it was almost too much given at one time. That add depth to the understanding of the reading and art concepts because they tie everything we have learned so far all together and give multiple examples of each. Also, they explain everything in a different perspective so it is easy to fully understand everything.

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