Saturday, September 17, 2011

Project 1

When first reading through the requirements for this project I was a bit nervous. I absolutely love taking pictures but am terrible and editing them so I thought I would have a really difficult time representing each meaning. I started off by re reading the definitions and brainstorming what I thought would fit under each principle/ element. The ones that came to mind immediately were emphasis and proportion. One of my favorite things to take pictures of in the summertime is flowers and so I knew immediately if I singled out one flower off of a bush then it would really emphasis the detail and put all the focus on how beautiful it really is. I absolutely love to walk through gardens in the summer and see all of the cool flowers and new that they would fit perfectly for emphasis. As I was reading this assignment I was in the middle of eating my lunch that I had brought to school with me. I just so happen to be eating an apple and so as soon as I read proportion an image of a piece of my apple came to mind. I felt as if it depicted proportion perfectly. I didn’t know right from the start what I could capture for all the rest of the topics. I figured I would brainstorm over a day or two and observe my surroundings. I live on Grand Island, right off the river, and spend a lot of time by the water. This is where I began to get ideas for balance and harmony. They two bridges are identical so I thought those would represent a perfect balance. My ideal day is one spent on the boat, outside, or just by the water and so my harmony picture represented what was peaceful and perfect for me. As the week went on I began to brainstorm more ideas but was still struggling with a lot of them. On Wednesday morning I took the emphasis photo and just began snapping pictures of things that I thought were cool or pretty. This is when all the ideas started to come to mind. The sunlight reflected off of the bundle of red, white, and purple flowers so nicely that I knew it would be perfect for light. Since fall is coming a lot of the bushes and trees are beginning to look a little more dull and beginning to droop. The picture I used for line was originally a bush that had beautiful flowers but I found one that was bare and really like all the different dimensions and lines it had. The tree bark was beginning to peel off the tree but that made the texture even more realistic and I just had happened to take a picture of an arrangement in black and white and it turned out to work for value. It represented all the different shades and how they varied from light to dark. Rhythm is also something I did on Wednesday morning but was one of the more difficult images for me. I was having a hard time finding something unique and different until I saw the cherry tree. I just thought that this image was so different but also represented rhythm with all the repetitions. Thursday night I was working on a scrap book for my nephew and happened to dump a whole bucket of alphabet stickers. As soon as I saw all the different letters and colors laying there together I thought of the image I had originally took of variety. I originally had an image with all the different sporting utilities but it was nothing impressive and I found this representation to be a little bit more interesting and unique. After I took the variety picture I began to think of all the images I had left to take and form was one of them. Form really stumped me because everything I thought of was 3 dimensional. This is when I saw an arrangement of stickers I had put together and thought it would look great and mix things up a bit. Space, unity, and motion were the last images I brainstormed and came up with a million ideas that could represent them, but never really liked any of them. Saturday morning I woke up knowing I had to finish my pictures and so I brought my camera to work with me. I work at the farmers market with my boyfriend’s family and this is where I got the ideas for the rest of my images. As soon as we parked the car I noticed the huge flag blowing in the wind. As I was unloading the truck I realized how well a bushel of peaches would represent unity and felt as if the singled out bushel of peaches picture turned out pretty neat. Space was something that kind of just fell into place. My boyfriend and I were walking around the market at the end of the day and someone happened to take a picture of us. Since we were walking so far apart, but holding hands, there was a very large space that surrounded both of us. I cropped it so that it was just our hands and it truly showed the representation of space.
I really enjoyed completing this project because it made me realize how many different elements and possibilities each and every picture could include.

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