Friday, September 16, 2011

Week Three - How Color Effects Emotion

1. Describe Color and its effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.
Ø  Color has the power to effect a person’s emotions in many different ways. According to Getlein (2010), Various studies have demonstrated that color affects a wide range of psychological and physiological responses.” (pg.87) People who have a favorite color may wear clothes or paint their room that color just to reinforce comfort. Restaurants often use the color red because it is believed that it increases appetites. The color blue is said to lower blood pressure and pulse, and the color bubble gum pink is said to make children more calm. These colors seem to have these effects on our culture but other culture may vary. For example, in my culture red and green represent Christmas and a time of giving, where as to Van Gogh used red and green to represent angry or distraught. Each color has such a variety of shades that each shade could cause a different emotion, and every emotion could be different for every individual.
2. What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
Ø  The aspect that I found most fascinating is the fact that all colors are dependent on light and all colors are just different components of light. I have never studied colors and to learn about them now really interests me. The fact that sunlight can refract into different colors really makes sense now. For example, I have recently been shopping for dresses for my sister’s wedding and one thing mother always says is “Well take it outside and make sure you like it in the sunlight too before you buy it.” This is something I never really understood but now I realize how much of an effect sun light has color.  Also, I never knew much about the primary, secondary, or intermediate colors. I knew that primary colors were main colors that were not mixed but never knew the difference between secondary and intermediate. I now know that secondary are made by combining two primary colors and intermediate are made by combining a primary and adjacent secondary color.  There are so many theories about color that many people know nothing about, like myself, which is upsetting because it is so interesting.
3. In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions?
Ø  The main thing that impacted my emotions in the Color video was watching June Redfern  stress and change her painting so much. The first painting she did I felt was very dark and felt very gloomy to me and that is not what I felt while watching her sketch the outline out in Venice. June felt the same way and was frustrated and annoyed with the outcome. The colors in this painting were driving her crazy and were annoying me also because I knew that was not the correct feeling. The end painting was much brighter with many more changes that impacted my emotions to completely change. I felt as if the colors she had chosen for the final painting made it a much more positive painting and represented the peaceful surroundings she was going for much better than where she started in the beginning. It amazes me how just a few changes in color can change the whole emotion of a painting and this was the perfect example.
4. In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and its effects on emotions? 
Ø  Devine’s art had the biggest impact on my regards to effects and emotions because it was so different and had such contrast than the rest of the paintings that depicted the past as a lovely dream and were much softer. Devein on the other hand represented noble virtue for the people and showed patriotic people sacrificing themselves, fighting for the good, and represented that bad is easy but good must be fought for. This has an impact for me because it changes your thoughts of the past immediately and makes you feel bad for the people. He used dark colors and represented everyone’s facial expression and the fear so well.

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